First, I am humbled to have received such a wonderful tribute from a delightful writer, Christie Nelson, author of of Beautiful Illusion, a book that truly should be made into a full length feature film:
Dear Dotty,
First, congratulations on the most handsome and splendid publication of Henceforth/Ask not Good Fortune. I was enthralled from the first poem to the last. It would be remiss not to tell you I consumed all the poems in one gulp. Of course, the night was black as pitch, silent as an empty church, and I was in need of a deep drink of humanity. Your poems opened my soul and put me to rest.
While prose writing is challenging, to be a poet takes an extraordinarily special lens. Yours is that talent. How many times have I sat in my car at a red light to watch a poor soul make her way across the street and shake my head in wonderment? How many times have I marveled at unaccompanied minors dance along the sidewalk in my hometown and sorrowed at the children in cages on the border? Kissing Toothbrushes? Conversation snooping at San Rafael Joe’s? These are only a few of my favorites.
Hometown Poet, I salute you!
With respect and admiration,
Next, here is the box of books, many promised but some still available and of course, always available for sale from Finishing Line Press.